Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bridge Six War Castle Donations


With the nonstop wars, we need to get a little better organized with respect to war castle donations.  We have a lot of advanced bases with advanced troops and need to divide and conquer donations if at all possible.  When we successfully win and hit solid loot, it is fairly easy for Optimus and I to shoulder the war castles but after a loss, it is extremely tough to generate the DE needed for our clan.

To start with, here are the recommended war castle troops for Bridge Six.  This is not an edict, if you want to use different troops, we welcome that, please make it clearly stated in your war castle request.

35 space War Castle:   1 Max Witch, 3 Max Loons, 2 Max Wizards
30 space War Castle:   1 Max Witch, 2 Max Loons, 2 Max Wizards
25 space War Castle:   1 Max Witch, 1 Max Loon, 2 Max Wizards
20 space War Castle:   1 Max Witch, 2 Max Wizards

In our current 45 v 45 war, War Castles require:
45 Witches
43 Loons
90 Wizards

In our current Clan, we get a 1 level troop upgrade for all donated troops so we only need you to have Level 1 Witches, Level 5 Loons and Level 5 Wizards to donate max troops.

As of today's war, we have 13 clan members with the required witches, 22 clan members with the required loons and 29 clan members with the required wizards.  If everyone with witches could just cook 3-4 witches, everyone with L5+ loons could cook 2 and everyone with L5+ wizards could cook 3, we would knock this out in record time and save a ton of resources for upgrades.

Please help us fill the castles and support the clan.

Let's kick some ass tonight,

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