Clan Rules

The following is a work-in-progress.

War Rules

  • normal attack ranges for war are your rank plus 2, or your rank minus 5
    • if your war rank is 12, your attack range is considered to be 10-17
  • attacking 5-10 ranks below your own will result in a minor decrease to your attack rating
  • attacking 10-15 ranks below your own will result in a major decrease to your attack rating
  • attacking more than 15 ranks below your own will result in an attack rating of zero
    • all of the aforementioned is scaled, so you take a larger hit attacking 8 ranks lower than your own as opposed to attacking 6 ranks lower
  • attacking more than 2 ranks above your own can go one of two ways, getting less than two stars will result in an attack rating of zero, getting 2 or more stars will reward a higher than usual attack rating if the stars gained are new ones
A comprehensive chart of how to attack can be found here: Clan War Attack Ratings


Given we have a solid enough lead on the opponent (you should definitely ask a leader if it's time), the last couple hours of war is the time to use any attacks you have left for loot.

Otherwise, attacking low in the last hours for stars, or when all the other ranks within your range have already been at least two-starred, you may attack outside your normal range without penalty.

Reasons For Getting The Boot

  • missing two wars back-to-back
  • missing three wars out of six
  • consistently donating the wrong (or wrong level) troops to members
  • being listed in the bottom 10 of the war rankings, three times in a row
  • disrespecting, bothering, or insulting clan members
  • being any other sort of nuisance in the chat

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