Splash Damage: Splash damage defensive buildings are CRITICAL to your ultimate success in Clan Wars. As you grow, it is imperative that you upgrade your splash damage structures fully before progressing to the next Town Hall level.
In my opinion, it is critical to protect the following buildings in order of importance:
1) Wizard Towers
2) Mortars
3) Air Defenses
Most people assume that walls are the most effective tool you have to protect these but your Gold, Elixir and Dark Elixir storages hold 2000 hit points each. It is critical to use storages AND walls to protect the key defensive buildings.
Coverage Area:
Many bases use a triangle pattern for defensive structures. Once you have your plan set, click on each of the defensive buildings to view the rage for that particular structure. As you progress beyond Town Hall 4, you will want to have multiple defensive buildings covering the entire base.
Instead of putting all of your collectors in a straight line outside your walls, stagger them. Often, the enemy troops will then attack the adjacent collector versus moving to the defensive buildings.
However, certain troops such as Giants and Hog Riders will always move to the closest defensive structure. Wall breaks can also be used to your advantage with appropriate traps or funneling troops in the path of multiple defensive buildings.
Traps can destroy an attack before it gets rolling. In a recent war, we had a strong attacker send 41 level 4 hogs into an enemy base that was a perfect hog base. The placement of the hogs was ideal but there was a giant bomb that took out 32 hogs in one shot. When well placed, traps can make a weak base extremely effective.
Design Ideas: Although you are not required to use any of these designs, this is purely to give you ideas to pull from.
Also available here on clashofclansbuilder.com.
Within this base design, the Wizard Tower and Mortars are well protected with storages. Additionally, the builders huts are placed at the corners and traps are placed with spring traps before bombs. No need to spring a troop that is halfway dead. Spring the healthy ones and bomb the rest! You will also notice that the clan castle and air defenses are centrally located to prevent luring clan castle troops or balloon attacks. Finally, the collectors are staggered around the border to encourage AI to travel around the base versus driving up the middle.
At Town Hall 6, we need to actively protect 2 mortars and 2 wizard towers. An effective design is to surround the Town Hall with the key structures (Mortars, Wizard Towers, Air Defense and Clan Castle.) Each Storage is placed to protect one or more of these buildings and the surrounding traps are placed at key entry points to the base. The air defense is protected by 5 separate defensive structures assisting against air attacks.
This base shows a funneling strategy where wall openings lead to defensive structures but the attacking troops must break through a storage first to get to the defensive structures. As they are working on the storage, they are being hit from 6 separate defensive buildings. As with our other builds, the key structures (Mortars, Wizard Towers, Clan Castle, Air Defenses and Barbarian King) are centrally located to protect against multiple attacks. This base has only been 3 starred once in battle by a TH8 ranked 9 spots higher.
This base has not been 2 or 3 starred in battle against any attacker, including 2 TH9 and 1 TH10 attack. Due to the layout, it is rarely attacked and each of the defensive postures is well protected. As with our other base designs, this base staggers collectors around the perimeter, protects all key defensive buildings and effectively funnels attacks towards traps. The two most logical entry points for Hog Riders are protected with Giant Bombs and the Teslas are positioned to protect the air defenses and wizard towers.
TH8 (with new mortar):
With the most recent update, TH8 and beyond received a fourth mortar and two new traps, the Skeleton Trap. With this first pass at the new TH8 design, the air defenses, mortars, clan castle and Town hall are centrally located with proper triangulation. Additionally, each side of the central area is protected by 3 defenses including storages to protect the wizard towers. The remaining storages are located at the side entry locations with Teslas to defend side entry. Each trap is placed in strategic locations that should be the prime point of entry for enemy troops. This design will be extremely difficult to take from the air. A three star on this base will likely only come from a TH10 with a GoWiPe or LVL6 Giant/Healer/Hog Rider attack.
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