After each war, we will post base designs in the TH4-8 range that our attacks were not able to 3 Star for additional ideas. We will only show bases that were attacked at least twice without a 3 star result.
Base 1: We attempted two attacks on this base from our lower level guys, scoring 0 and 2 stars. Both attacks showed promise but derailed due to a few areas. In the first attack, clan castle troops were not eliminated and in the second, balloons were used and taken out by the archer towers.
For this base, my recommended strategy would be the following:
1) Eliminate clan castle troops by dropping a barbarian at the army camp farthest right. Once they leave the protected area, surround with a circle of archers and barbs to eliminate them
2) Place at least 2 barbarians at each corner to eliminate those buildings before time runs out.
3) For the main assault, the wizard tower and mortar are crucial. Our 2 star attack breached the base at the elixir collectors and the troops focused only on the collectors and were slowly all eliminated. Drop a giant at the wall by the mortar and a giant by the wall nearest the wizard tower. Then drop 2 wallbreakers near each giant to breach the walls at two locations. Send in 3 more giants at each location followed by 7-8 archers. In your clan castle, ask for LVL 5 giants, wizards, archers or LVL3-4 Hog Riders.
4) Send in the remaining barbs for clean up.
Base 2: For this base, we attacked four times and achieved only 2 stars and 93% destruction. However, on one of our attacks, the game glitched and 3 giants attacked a single wall for 30 seconds without any destruction. The attack was flawless but ran out time due to the "magic wall." His attack drew the clan castle troops to the builders hut top left and eliminated them. He then dropped giants and wallbreakers near the wizard tower and mortar/air def to breach walls. Once through, sent a group of giants/archers/barbs and used a dragon in the clan castle. If not for the wall by the Town hall, it would have been a perfect 3 star and this is the recommended attack strategy.
Our second attack on this base used the Giant/Healer attack but sent the healer in before the air defense was taken out. A solid idea, we just need to be patient before sending in the healer.
Our third attack breached the wall by the wizard tower but unfortunately, since it is surrounded by walls, the giants didn't continue driving through the base, they split and walked in opposite directions around the perimeter to the other defenses and took damage the entire way. It is recommended to get the bulk of your troops in near the mortar for a setup like this to prevent the troops from dividing. Once the air defense and first archer tower are taken, send in a healer or dragon from clan castle.
Base 3: For this base, we achieved 2 stars and 60% destruction. For this base, note the dead space next to the mortars. This is always a sign of traps. In this case, a giant bomb that crushed the giants preventing a 3 star. Our other attacks on this base were designed for the 2 star taking out the Town Hall. Since you see a giant bomb in the middle of the base, be careful with hogs or giants and the air defenses in this base will make a giant/healer attack problematic.
The recommended strategy on this base would be an all air assault with dragons and rage spells. This is because the southern most air defense is exposed. Drop 2-3 dragons at the barracks towards the very bottom and drop a rage spell between the barracks and air defense. Those dragons will take the archer tower, air defense and probably 2-3 more structures. Next drop remaining dragons between the gold mines nearest the clan castle and another rage spell to have enough strength to push through and eliminate the other air defense. The rest is just cleanup.
Our second attack was a Dragon/PEKKA attack that should have 3 starred but the PEKKAs moved around the perimeter instead of driving through the base. Any time you use a GoWiPe or Drekka attack, it is critical to use wallbreakers to clear a path through the base instead of around the base.
Notice how open the air defenses are on this base. The recommended attack strategy again would be to drop 3-4 dragons with a rage spell at the air defense in the bottom and near the wizard tower at the top to eliminate all air defenses before cleanup.
***Unfortunately, against Urben Nation, the replays are not available so we will not post those designs.***
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