Wednesday, October 29, 2014

iPhone to Bluestacks


Had two separate issues that I wanted to post about in case either ever are a problem for you.

Multiple Villages on 1 Game Center account:
On my Mac Game Center, we have 3 kids and myself that share one Game Center account.  Since multiple folks shared one Game Center, every time I loaded the game, it would say "Do you want to Download Derhub's Town Hall 3 game.

Since I had used this account "off the grid" for a year, and had progressed to TH8, I didn't want to lose all of the progress and was fearful that once I replaced the phone, I would lose the village.  About a month ago, I simply logged out of Game Center on Clash of Clans and it never asked me again about loading the TH3 village.

On a gamble, I created another Game Center account on my iPhone and logged into that account on my TH8 village.  That solved the issue and I now have two separate villages that I can log into with any Apple Device.

Playing iPhone/iPad CoC on PC:
For a few reasons, I have made the decision to play my village on PC for a few advantages.  Much of the internet data stated that you couldn't link a village beyond TH4-6 and keep everything.  With my two apple accounts, I linked those to my PC using bluestacks flawlessly.

In the bluestacks settings, I have two separate accounts and can flip between the two villages.  Since my villages have progressed to a point where the only items I have left to upgrade cost in excess of 2.0 million resources each, it is great to have options to be online consistently so I avoid the raids.  Anytime I get close to 3.0 MM gold or 1.5MM elixir, I undoubtedly get raided like crazy.

Just a thought for the apple users struggling with movement.  If you have any issues or questions, shoot me a message.


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