Against Town Hall 7 Players
Taking down TH7 players with 10 Dragons is pretty straightforward. Players may or may not need spells; you will only need spells if you have level 1 Dragons and the enemy player has maxed out Air Defense towers. If the enemy player has maxed out their Air Defense towers, all you have to do is build 3x LIghtning Spells. Use the three LIghtning Spells on one of the Air Defense towers, destroying it (Lightning Spells do need to be level 3 or higher for this purpose).
The issue with Dragon attacks is that they can sometimes run around the outside of the base. To prevent this, drop one dragon on two buildings with a building separating them. 95% of the time, those two dragons will clear buildings from that side and then you send in the remaining dragons right in the middle. In the picture shown, you would drop 1 dragon at the elixir collector and one at the laboratory. Once they take out those buildings, they typically will move outside the base taking the rest of the those buildings. All you do is drop the remaining 8 dragons right on the gold mine left by itself. Those 8 dragons will then drive right through the base.
Here is a link to a video demonstration or you can watch replays from prior war.
TH7 Dragon Strategy Video
Here is a link to a video demonstration or you can watch replays from prior war.
TH7 Dragon Strategy Video
Against Town Hall 8 Players
Town Hall 8 players can be cleared with 3 Stars by TH7 players using Dragons, but certain conditions need to be met for this to be reliable. FIrst off, it helps significantly if the TH7 player has level 2 Dragons. A Dragon in the Clan Castle is very useful as well, but not necessary. The preferred combination of spells is two Rage Spells and one Healing Spell.
In addition to leveling up Dragons, it helps significantly if the TH8 player does not have maxed out Air Defense towers or has poorly positioned Air Defense towers. Level-wise, if the average level of Air Defense tower is less than 4 (Air Defense towers turn black at level 4, so level 4+ are easy to spot), that is a good sign. If all 3 towers are level 4 or higher, that is a bad sign.
If the towers are either on the edge of the base or clustered together, level of the enemy tower may be irrelevant. Clustered towers are susceptible to a Rage Spell + Healing Spell combination, where a few Dragons can rip down multiple towers while being healed.
Placement of Dragons is very important when attacking TH8 players (as opposed to TH7 where it is significantly easier). First, choose the side of the base you want to attack. It is best to start your attack within range of the most Air Defense towers or near the highest-level tower. Initially, drop two Dragons, about two structures apart on the perimeter of the base where you want to attack. These Dragons likely will not actually participate in the main attack, and instead will travel along the perimeter of the base, picking off external structures. This is intended, as you do not want the bulk of the Dragons to travel along the outside of the base but instead head towards the center. The Barbarian King can aid in this function as well.
As soon as the two initial Dragons take out a few perimeter buildings, drop your remaining 8 Dragons. They should now head towards the center of the base with all the perimeter structures destroyed. Drop a Rage Spell somewhat deep into the center of the enemy’s base; this will speed up the Dragon’s clearing into the enemy’s base and should result in the destruction of at least one Air Defense tower. As the Dragons core towards the Town Hall or a cluster of high health buildings (storages), drop your second Rage Spell. Drop the Healing Spell as needed on low-health Dragons – this will vary on a battle-by-battle basis. Check the video guide for more details on healing spell placement.
With enough practice, you will find the 10 Dragon army can reliably 100% clear many TH8 bases. Many enemy players neglect leveling up their Air Defense towers while having high level walls and other towers. These bases are great for Dragon-based attacks; you will get a large resource reward and your clan will be happy you cleared a tough opponent with 3 stars.
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